Extraordinary Moments of the Week: December 21st, 2014

This segment marks the first of a brief summary of  the extraordinary moments in my week. The moments in which I have witnessed acts of beauty, service or kindness; moments where there is a light in the darkness. I hope you will follow along with me, and share your own moments.

One of the strongest passions in my life is learning to show my daughter God’s love. My greatest hope for her (and any future children) is not that she will be happy or successful (although of course I want those things as well!), but for her to know God’s love and for her to love God. I do not profess to understand this myself. My daughter is currently teaching me more about God’s love than I could ever attempt to show her. A child’s innocence and pure honesty has a way of keeping one accountable of every word and action they profess to say or do.

I believe one way in which we can experience God’s unconditional love is just by living; Living in the beauty of this world and looking for the light in darkness.

1. Monday, a friend of mine needed to buy one more gift that her daughter wanted for Christmas. The store was on the clear opposite side of town for her, so I was able to go for her.  I am glad (though I admit begrudgingly at first) that I was able to hopefully alleviate some of her stress level at this busy time of year.

2. Monday morning, we also received an unexpected gift from our daycare provider. Gifts are always nice, but it seems even nicer when it is unexpected. Thank you! It made our day!

3. Tuesday, I’m at work, and I just have to brag on our cleaning attendant. Not only this day, but everyday, she keeps everything remarkably clean, considering I work with about 100 other people on any given day. And to top it off, she does it with remarkable grace and cheer.

4. This is my daughter’s 2nd Christmas, so of course last year she really was not all that interested. This year. however, the joy in her little expression from opening gifts and realizing they were for her, is enough to melt this mama’s heart.

5. Another note on Christmas: The ability to be able to face time with my family, who lives hundreds of miles away. That is something we can only fully appreciate in this day and time.

6. Friday, I had the blessing of going to lunch with my husband’s aunt. Female camaraderie is hard to beat.

7. Finally, but certainly not least:  Watching the excitement on my daughter’s face as she jammed to her uncle playing the drums.  And I do mean jammed!  IMG_1647

Matthew 5:16 (ESV): In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.

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